Autors i Autores

Pep Coll


Pep Coll (Pessonada, Pallars Jussà, 1949). He presently resides in Lleida where he works as a teacher of Catalan Language and Literature.

As a writer he has worked in all kinds of prose genres, from a collection of Pyrenees legends Muntanyes Maleïdes, short stories L'edat de les pedres, children's stories La bruixa del pla de Beret, the novel for young people Què farem, què direm?, the play Miracles de Santa Maria d'Àneu, television scripts, newspaper columns (El Periódico, Segre), through to in-depth articles in magazines (Descobrir Catalunya, Pirineos…). His preferred genre is the novel and amongst his works are El secret de la moixernera, El segle de la llum, L'abominable crim de l'Alsina Graells, La mula vella, El salvatge dels Pirineus, Les senyoretes de Lourdes, Nius and Dos taüts negres i dos de blancs –awarded with the Catalan Critic's Prize for narrative, the Crexells Prize, the Joaquim Amat-Piniella Prize, the Setè Cel Prize and the Prix du Livre Pyrénéen. His last novel, Al mateix riu d'Heràclit (2018) is a fictionalized novel about the pre-Socratic philosopher from Ephesus, known as "The Obscure". His work is, in great part, constructed around personalities and settings from the Pyrenees. His books have been translated to Aragonese, Basque, French, Italian, Occitan and Spanish.

Pep Coll is an honorary member of the Associació d’Escriptors en Llengua Catalana (AELC – Association of Catalan Language Writers).

Web page: Nausica Solà for AELC.
Cover photograph: © Paco de Paz. Biography's photographs from the author's personal files.
Translation: Julie Wark.