Autors i Autores

Ariadna Herrero i Molina


Ariadna Herrero i Molina (Granollers, 1981) is a writer and language and literature teacher.

She began her literary career with a play. In 2004, she was awarded the La Carrova Prize for Theatre with her play Semblava una persona com qualsevol altra (Cossetània, 2006). Later, she published the novel Seràs un dels nostres (Llibres del Delicte, 2017), which was followed by works for children, the science fiction novel Hem arribat tard a classe (Voliana, 2018), and the fantasy novel La Guardiana (Voliana, 2021).

She has also published short stories and mini stories. With “L’engany”, she won the Cryptshow Festival Literary Competition, and this story was published in the anthology Estats alterats de la ment (Males Herbes, 2017). Her stories have also appeared in the collections Bones confitures (Témenos Edicions, 2019), Granollers, setze històries d’una Ciutat (Marcòlic, 2020), and Delinqüents (Llibres del Delicte, 2021).

Web page: Irene Zurrón Servera for AELC.
Photograph and documentation: Author’s personal files.
Translation by Julie Wark.