Autors i Autores

Tània Juste


Tània Juste (Barcelona, 1972) is a writer and has a degree in History from the University of Barcelona.

In 2009 she published her first novel A flor de pell (La Magrana), which tells the story of a woman living in Barcelona in the 1920s during the Primo de Rivera dictatorship and up to the proclamation of the Second Republic. Her second novel, Els anys robats (Columna), a tribute to the republican aviators of the Spanish Civil War and a literary testimony to exile, was published in 2012. Her next book was L’hospital dels pobres (Columna, 2014), a story told in several voices, is set in the early twentieth century when the Hospital of Santa Creu i Sant Pau was being constructed. Her next novel, Temps de família (Columna, 2017), was awarded the 2015 Nèstor Luján Prize. In this book she portrays the complex relationships in powerful winemaking and vineyard-owning dynasty.

She combines writing with translation, contributions to collectively authored books, giving talks, readers’ clubs, literary routes, book fairs and work in libraries. She was one of the contributors in the anthology Veus de la nova narrativa catalana (Voices from the New Catalan Fiction, Empúries, 2010).

She is a member of Associació d’Escriptors en Llengua Catalana (Association of Catalan Language Writers – AELC).

Web page: Josep Miàs and Tània Juste for AELC.
Photograph: Víctor de Óbanos.
Translated by Julie Wark.