Autors i Autores

Miquel López Crespí


Miquel López Crespí (sa Pobla, Mallorca 1946) is a novelist, playwright, poet, historian and essayist. In 1968 he began to write (especially about literary themes) for the Balearic Islands press: Diario de Mallorca, Última Hora, Cort...

As a writer for the cultural supplements of the newspapers of the Islands, Miquel Lopez Crespí has published hundreds of articles about the literature and history of Mallorca. He presently writes several regular columns for newspapers and reviews. Between 1996 and 1998, he published more than two hundred articles about the history of Mallorca in Diari de Balears. Since 1999, he has written some four hundred articles in Catalan on political affairs, history and literature in El Mundo-El Día de Baleares. For many years, he has been responsible for the interview sections in the culture supplements of the newspaper Última Hora and El Mirall, the review published by the cultural institution, Obra Cultural Balear.

Since the early 1970s, he has published more than forty books of narrative, poetry, theatre, memoirs, novels and essays, noteworthy among which are Estiu de foc (Summer of Fire – novel); L'Antifranquisme a Mallorca 1950-1970 (The Anti-Franco Movement in Mallorca – memoirs); L'amagatall (The Hideway – novel); Cultura i antifranquisme (Culture and the Anti-Franco Movement – essay); Els altres comunistes i la transició (essay); El cicle dels insectes (The Cycle of Insects – poetry); Vida d'artista (The Artist’s Life – narrative); Històries del desencís (Stories of Disenchantment – narrative); La Ciutat del Sol (The Sun City – narrative for young people); Punt final (End Point – poetry); No era això: memòria política de la transició (It Was Not Like That: A Political memoir of the Transition – essay); Acte Únic (Single Act – theatre); El cadàver (The Cadaver – theatre); Núria i la glòria dels vençuts (Núria and the Glory of the Vanquished – novel); Revolta (Revolt – poetry); Rituals (Rituals – poetry); Estat d'excepció (State of Emergency – novel); Temps i gent de sa Pobla (Time and the People of sa Pobla – local history); Breviari contra els servils (Breviary Against the Servile – narrative); Literatura mallorquina i compromís polític: homenatge a Josep M. Llompart (Mallorcan Literature and Political Commitment: a Homage to Josep M. Llompart – essay); Temps Moderns: homenatge al cinema (Modern Times: a Homage to Cinema – poetry); Antologia (1972-2002) (Anthology: 1972–2002 – poetry); El darrer hivern de Chopin i George Sand (The Last Winter of Chopin and George Sand – novel); Corambé: el dietari de George Sand (Corambé: George Sand’s Diary – novel); Lletra de batalla (Words of Battle – poetry) and Els anys del desig més ardent (The Years of the Most Burning Desire – Theatre).

In 2016 he was honoured with the Escut d'Or (Gold Shield) of sa Pobla, in recognition to his career. He is an honorary member of AELC (Association of Catalan Language Writers).

Web page: Carme Ros for AELC.
Documentation and Photograph: Personal files of the author.
Translation: Julie Wark.