Autors i Autores

Francesc Lorenzo i Gàcia


Francesc Lorenzo i Gàcia (Llagostera, 1911 – Barcelona, 2001) was a writer and playwright. He combined his work as a sales representative with that as a playwright, with an extensive production of melodramatic plays and comedies. Some of his pieces, including Berlín, plaça Alter, núm. 2 (1954) and Guspireig d’estrelles (1956) were modern in style, while others like El millor dependent del món (1958) and Benvingut, mossèn Vidal (1965) were more for the general public.

He also wrote plays for children for which he received several awards, among them the Josep Maria Folch i Torres Prize for Dolça nit de Nadal (1958), and La Faràndula de Sabadell Prize for La mestressa de la casa ensorrada (1959).

Most of his works have been performed by professional companies in Barcelona, as well as being very popular among amateur theatre groups around Catalonia.

Web page: Francesc Viñas for AELC.
Documentation: Lorenzo family files.
Translation: Julie Wark.