Autors i Autores

Josep Antoni Fluixà


Josep Antoni Fluixà (Alzira, la Ribera Alta, 1959) studied Education at the University of Valencia and worked as a teacher in several schools until he retired in 2019.

In 1987 he published his first book of poems, Nàufrags sens illa, which was followed by three more collections, namely L’estel fugaç, Elegia i cant d’Alcúnia i altres poemes de joventut, and Matèria corporal. However, he has mostly stood out as an author of children’s literature with the publication of titles such as Gratacelònia, Viatge al país dels cocòlits, El poble de Llepamelós, La reina Ataülfa, Peter Pan i la desaparició del joc, and El somriure de Fàtima.

He has also worked with other genres, for example children’s theatre with works like La ciutat dels gratacels and Sis ninots en busca d’una falla, as well as children’s poetry with a book titled L’ofici de la mar. Moreover, he has published two books of essays in the area of education, Jocs i estratègies d’animació lectora and Llegir per a aprendre.

In this field, he has been involved in teacher training and, as director of the Bromera Foundation, has worked intensively to promote and encourage reading, as well as being a prominent figure in the Valencia region in the domains of promoting literature and literary criticism. He writes on a regular basis for publications including L’Illa, Caràcters, L’Aiguadolç, and CLIJ. Cuadernos de literatura infantil y juvenil.

He is a member of the Associació d’Escriptors en Llengua Catalana (AELC – Association of Catalan Language Writers).

Web page: Irene Zurrón Servera for AELC.
Documentation and photographs: Author’s personal files.
Translation: Julie Wark.