Autors i Autores

Julià de Jòdar


Julià de Jòdar (Badalona, 1942) is a writer.

He is the author of the tetralogy L'atzar i les ombres (Chance and Shadows), which aims to offer a full account of the Catalan proletariat from the 1950's until the years of the transition after Franco's death. The trilogy is formed by L'àngel de la segona mort (1997) –awarded the Ciutat de Barcelona and the Cavall Verd-Blai Bonet prizes–, El trànsit de les fades (2001) –winner of the critic's award (Premi de la Crítica)–, El metall impur (2006) –awarded the Sant Jordi and the Crítica Serra d'Or prizes– and La casa tapiada, published in 2024. He has also published the novels L'home que va estimar Natàlia Vidal (2003) –which received the Prudenci Bertrana Prize–, Noi, ¿has vist la mare amagada entre les ombres? (2008), La pastoral catalana (2010) –winner of the Carlemany and the Crítica Serra d'Or prizes– and El desertor en el camp de batalla (2013).

Julià de Jòdar published the book of stories Zapata als Encants (1999), and he has translated into Catalan and Spanish novels by Doctorow, Somerset Maugham and Julien Gracq. With Enric Juliana he wrote the play Radiacions (2011), later adapted for the TV. He collaborates regularly with cultural and political articles in several newspapers and cultural magazines. He cowrote the satirical political books Fot-li, que som catalans! (2005) and Fot-li més que encara som catalans (2006), and the work Cop de CUP. Viatge a l'ànima i a les arrels de les Candidatures d'Unitat Popular (2012).

Julià de Jòdar is an honorary member of Associació d'Escriptors en Llengua Catalana (Association of Catalan Language Writers, AELC).

Page by Josep Miàs for AELC.
Photograph: © Cristian Calderer.
Translation by Josep Miàs.