Autors i Autores

Joaquim Micó


Joaquim Micó, from the Penedès region, who was born in Barcelona in 1960, has a degree in History and combines his literary work with writing scripts for comics, radio, and television.

He has been awarded several literary prizes, including the Serra d’Or Critics Prize for Children’s and Young People’s Literature (1989), the El Segre de Negre Prize for Short Stories (2019), the prize for short stories of the Castell de Canyelles Literary Competition (2020), the Premi Ferran Canyameres Prize for Short Stories (2021), and the Bellvei Negre Prize for the Novel (2022).

He has published the children’s stories Noves aventures dels set nans (Editorial Ariel, 1987) with illustrations by Roser Capdevila, Noves aventures d’Aladí i la llàntia meravellosa (Editorial Ariel, 1988), with illustrations by Dolors Mayorga, and Una correspondència estrafolària (Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserrat, 1991), with illustrations by Gusti. Moreover, he has published novels for young people, among them Qualsevol nit pot sortir el sol (Editorial Pirene / La Galera, 1989), 221-B Baker Street (Editorial Pirene, 1990), Perkins i McIlroy. Investigadors Privats (Edicions Baula, 1994), and Paraula de Sioux (Edicions Baula, 1995). He has also written scripts for comics, including that for El Grafitti de Moctezuma (Editorial Pirene, 1991).

He is also author of the novels Ulleres de soul (Editorial Pirene, 1994) and Mai no hem tingut París (Serial Ediciones, 2022), as well as the short story collection Elogi dels fumuts. Contes sobre la improbable extinció dels idiotes (Letrame, 2022).

In addition, he has published historical essays with such works as Els senyors de Cubelles, segles IX-XV (Aj. Cubelles, 1992), “Poblament pre-comtal al Penedès” (Miscel·lània IEP, 1993), “Toponímia pre-comtal al Penedès” (Miscel·lània IEP, 1994), Introducció a la personalitat de Teresa Mañé (IEP, 1996), “Onomàstica i Toponímia àrab en el Penedès pre-comtal” (Societat d'Onomàstica, 1996), and Teresa Mañé i Miravet (1865-1939) (Aj. Vilanova i la Geltrú, 2001).

Some of his novels have been translated into Spanish, Galician, Italian, and Braille, and his comics have appeared in German, English, Arabic, and French.

He is a member of the Associació d’Escriptors en Llengua Catalana (AELC – Association of Catalan Language Writers).

Web page: Irene Zurrón Servera for AELC.
Documentation and photograph: Author’s personal files.
Translation by Julie Wark.