Autors i Autores

Gemma Pasqual i Escrivà


Gemma Pasqual i Escrivà (Almoines, La Safor, 1967) left her job as an accountant and IT specialist to work full time as a writer.

Since 1998, when she embarked on her literary career, Pasqual, who is committed to her land and her people, has written books for young readers in which she emphasises social commitment, current affairs and everyday problems of today's youth, always from an educational standpoint and with abundant literary and film references. Among her published titles are Marina (2001), Et recorde, Amanda (I Remember You, Amanda, 2002) and L'últim vaixell (The Last Ship, 2004). All three of these books were winners of the Samaruc Prize for Young People's and Children's Literature. She has also published Quan deixàvem de ser infants, Vicent Andrés Estellés des del fons de la memòria (When We Ceased to Be Children: Vicent Andrés Estellés from the Depths of Memory, 2005), La mosca, assetjament a les aules (The Fly: Bullying in Classrooms, 2008 – winner of the Benvingut Oliver Prize), Llàgrimes sobre Bagdad (Tears over Baghdad, 2008 – winner of the Barcanova Prize), La relativitat d'anomenar-se Albert (The Relativeness of Being Called Albert, 2009 – winner of the Mallorca Prize), El caçador de paraules (The Word Hunter, 2011), Endevina qui (Guess Who, 2012), Barça ou barzakh! (Barcelona or Death, 2012), Xènia, tens un WhatsApp (Xènia, You've Got a WhatsApp, 2014), La rosa de paper (The Paper Rose, 2014 –winner of the Samaruc Prize), and Xènia, #KeepCalm i fes un tuit (2015), among others.

She has been vice-president of the Valencian area of Associació d'Escriptors en Llengua Catalana (AELC – Association of Catalan Language Writers) (2013-2021). Since 2015 she is vice-president of Acció Cultural del País Valencià, ACPV.

Web page: Josep Miàs for AELC.
Documentation: Gemma Pasqual.
Photographs: Author's personal files and AELC archive.
Translated by Julie Wark.