Autors i Autores

Jordi Boixadós i Bisbal


Jordi Boixadós i Bisbal (Barcelona, 6 March, 1958), a writer, literary translator, and musician who has resided in the Maresme region since 1982, has published ten books since 1991, most of them fiction: Mentre la neu sigui blanca (Columna, 2022), L’home que comptava diners (RBA-La Magrana, 2015), Àngels a l’andana (Columna, 2011), Mirades de dona (Columna, 2000), El meu rival (Columna, 1998), Opus Dei: retrat de família (Columna, 1995), Morir de Tel Avivi (Pòrtic, 1993), and El carrer Dachau (Pòrtic, 1991).

He has also worked in theatre with the play Popocatépetl, which is co-authored with Elies Barberà (winner of the 2019 Pare Colom Prize awarded by the publisher Lleonard Muntaner), as well as publishing a humorous book of wordplays To Dream Omelettes/Somiar truites (RBA-La Magrana, 2006), which is co-authored by Oriol Comas.

He has translated more than seventy works by such authors as Niklas Natt och Dag, Alex Michaelides, Åsa Larsson, Hervé Le Tellier, Jo Nesbø, Hjorth & Rosenfeldt, Franck Thilliez, Naomi Klein, Thomas Piketty, Jessie Burton, J. G. Ballard, Gabriel Tallent, Federico Moccia, Mari Jungstedt, and Pope Francis. He translates from English, French, Italian, and Swedish, mainly into Catalan.

Boixadós’s musical field is indie pop-rock. In the 1990s, he founded and led the band Camí del Mig, which released two discs and, since 2002, he has published six solo albums, with Picap/Actual, Temps Record, Right Here Right Now, and La catenària. With his passion for languages, he has written and performed songs in six different tongues with the CD Europa (2005), as well as working with French musicians in the disc Cuques de llum (2014).

Web page: Irene Zurrón Servera for AELC.
Photograph and documentation: Author’s personal files.
Translation: Julie Wark.