Autors i Autores

Elvira Cambrils


Elvira Cambrils (Pego, 1955) is a storyteller and novelist. A constant feature of her work is a critical gaze that explores the other faces of reality. Reflecting on identities in a plural society, the gender perspective, and the quest for a good life are the materials with which she constructs her stories.

She taught Philosophy from 1981 to 2015 in several secondary schools. At the age of forty-one during a trip to the Cyclades islands, she started a diary by means of which she discovered the joys of creative writing, although it was not until several years later, during another journey, this time following the trail of Ulysses, that she set out into unexplored lands of fiction with Mira’m, Amor (Bromera, 2007).

This book was followed by the novels El bes de l’aigua (Bullent, 2010), Tot el que tinc per ballar amb tu (Bullent, 2014), A la platja de Camus (Bullent, 2018), and Air (Aila, 2021), after which she published a collection of short stories, Vestida de lluna (Bullent, 2016), and a short novel, Ariadna adormida (Fundació Bromera, 2018).

She has received several awards for her work, including the Blai Bellver, Felipe Ramis, and Soler i Estruch prizes, second prize in the Women’s Fiction Award, and the Carmelina Sánchez-Cutillas Prize for the Novel.

She has also published stories in jointly authored works including Jordi, un home singular (Denes, 2016), La improbable vida de Joan Fuster (3i4, 2017), Las mujeres cuentan (Direcció General de l’Institut Valencià de les Dones, 2018), and Setze relats de Guerra (Ajuntament de Pego, 2019).

She is a member of Acció Cultural del País Valencià (Valencia Cultural Action), the Marina Alta Institute for Regional Studies, and the Associació d’Escriptors en Llengua Catalana (AELC – Association of Catalan Language Writers).

Web page: Clara Bara Palma for AELC.
Photographs: Author’s personal files.
Translated by Julie Wark.