Autors i Autores

Salvador Domènech i Domènech


Salvador Domènech i Domènech (Barcelona, 1955) is an educational psychologist and writer. He has a PhD in Education and a Master's Degree in Educational Psychology and Curricular Assessment, both from the University of Barcelona.

Since his student days he has been engaged in research on schools and cultural institutions and personalities related with the world of education in Catalonia. He has specialised in the historical period covered by the first third of the twentieth century, especially the 1930s, and has written a great number of articles for such publications as Escola Catalana, Guix, Perspectiva Escolar, L'Avenç, Revista Catalana de Pedagogia, and Sàpiens.

He has co-authored some books, and notable among those he has written under his own name alone are Manuel Ainaud i la tasca pedagògica a l'Ajuntament de Barcelona (Manuel Ainaud and the Task of Education in the Barcelona City Council, 1995), L'Institut-Escola de la Generalitat i el doctor Josep Estalella (The Generalitat's Institut-Escola and Doctor Josep Estalella, 1998), Els alumnes de la República (Pupils of the Republic, 2008) and Els alumnes de la Generalitat (The Generalitat's Pupils, 2009).

In his research project of recovering the historic memory of the former pupils who attended the Republican public schools of the Barcelona City Council and the Generalitat (Government) of Catalonia, he discovered Encarnació Martorell's diary about the Civil War. He edited this and it was published with the title Amb ulls de nena (With a Young Girl's Eyes, 2008). In 2013 they cowrote the book Mestres i alumnes de la República (Teachers and Pupils of the Republic, 2013), which recreates her memories from that experience. He is also co-author and editor of the book Cartes d'amor i de dol (Letters of Love and Woe, 2010).

He is a member of the Associació d'Escriptors en Llengua Catalana (AELC – Association of Catalan Language Writers).

Web page: Carme Ros for AELC. 

Documentation: Author's personal files. 

Translation: Julie Wark.
Photographs: Author's personal files.