Autors i Autores

Ramon Ferrerons


Ramon Ferrerons (Barcelona, 1951) is a writer whose work has led him to move in several different universes: literature, the etymology of sign language, and history in its two facets of dissemination and research.

Of early vocation but late to give fruit, he published his first article in 1973 in the young people’s magazine Oriflama and, two years later, he received a modest poetry prize for his unpublished collection Poemes a preu fet. He came of age as a writer in 1981 when El Esquinazau. Perfil de un luchador, of which he is co-author, was a finalist for the Aragonese Joaquín Costa Prize. The same year he was also awarded the Treball Prize for Fiction in Spanish for his short novel La belada.

He writes for cultural and literary magazines and is co-author of Huesca: la bolsa de Bielsa i Juan Pablo Bonet. Su tierra y su gente (1573-1607). In 1998 he published the novel La destral i l’arrel.

In 2004, at the University of Barcelona, he received from Markku Jokinen, then president of the WFD (World Federation of the Deaf), the First Illescat Prize. Some years later, he published Primer Diccionari General i Etimològic de la Llengua de Signes Catalana (2011), and also co-authored La nena que no deia hola (2014) and 53 males maneres de riure’s d’algú o posar-lo a parir en llengua de signes catalana (2017).

His most recent books are Els treballs i els dies del mestre Gardeñes (2018), Clio fa unes cervesetes. Cròniques modernes de l’Edat Antiga (2019), and Cants de balena per a sords (2019).

He is a member of the Associació d’Escriptors en Llengua Catalana (AELC – Association of Catalan Language Writers).


Web page: Clara Bara Palma for AELC.
Documentation and photographs: Author’s personal files.
Translation: Julie Wark.