Autors i Autores

Raquel Gámez-Serrano


Raquel Gámez-Serrano, born in Barcelona and resident in Creixell, Tarragona, has a degree in Social Education from the Open University of Catalonia and in Real Estate Studies and Construction from the University of Barcelona. She is also a specialist in public relations and administration.

Among her published works are A la seva pell (2016, Llibres del Delicte), a novel that was a finalist for the Tuber Melanosporum Award of the “Morella Negra com la Trufa” Festival; the essay Els CIE o la il·legalitat institucional (2017, Llibres del Delicte); No diguis res (2018, Llibres del Delicte), winner of the Best Valencia Crime Novel Prize, which has been translated into Spanish; and Malabèstia (2022, Pagès Editors), XXXI, winner of the Ferran Canyameres Prize for the Novel.

She is also author of the story Assassinat de cambra, which opened the series Crims artístics at the National Art Museum of Catalonia (MNAC) and, with her story En nom de Cecília she was winner of the Ninth Esteve Albert Literary Competition in 2018. She has work published in several short story collections, including Barcelona. Viatge a la perifèria criminal (2017, Editorial Alrevés), Delinqüents (2020, Llibres del Delicte), La cervesa de la Highsmith (2020, Pagès Editors), and Un gintònic amb na Lònia Guiu (2023, Edicions Xandri).

Since 2022, she has been director of the Crime Novel in Catalan Festival CREIXELL.CRIMS.

She is a member of the Associació d’Escriptors en Llengua Catalana (Association of Catalan Language Writers – AELC).

Web page: Irene Zurrón Servera for AELC.
Documentation and photograph: Author’s personal files.
Translation: Julie Wark.