Autors i Autores

Francesc Gisbert


Francesc Gisbert i Muñoz (Alcoi, 1976) is a writer, translator, and teacher. In 1998 he obtained a degree in Catalan Philology from the University of Alicante and, in 2015, a PhD. He teaches Language and Literature and gives teacher training courses in popular culture, contemporary literature, and promotion of reading. He also carries out research in the areas of popular culture, history of children’s and young people’s literature, language and literature teaching, and techniques for encouraging reading, as well as taking part in the writing of textbooks.

He has published some sixty books for children and young people, and many of them have been awarded prizes. Among these works are El fantasma de la torre (2002, Enric Valor Prize), La meua família i altres monstres (2006, Folch i Torres Prize), La llegenda del corsari (2009, Bancaixa Prize), De rondalla (2012, Barcanova Prize), La Maria no té por (2013, Critics’ Prize for Valencian Writers), and El misteri de Serra Perduda (2020, Vicent Silvestre Prize of the Ciutat d’Alzira Awards). He also writes fiction for adults, and studies like Una història de la literatura infantil i juvenil valenciana (2015) and Guia inacabada de la fantasia valenciana (2022).

He is a member of the Associació d’Escriptors en Llengua Catalana (Association of Catalan Language Writers – AELC).

Web page: Irene Zurrón Servera for AELC.
Photograph: Author’s personal files.
Translation: Julie Wark.