Autors i Autores

Assum Guardiola Pujol


Assum Guardiola Pujol (Mata, 1973) a writer and Literature teacher, gives courses at the Barcelona Athenaeum School of Writing and the Writing Classroom of the Municipal School of Humanities at the La Mercè Cultural Centre of Girona. She has also run her own project of teaching creative writing, La Factoria de Lletres (2013-2023) as well as promoting reading clubs in public libraries.

Guardiola Pujol believes that the sense of writing and reading is, “writing stories to seek the words for everything I need to understand, to pursue the coherence that escapes me, to fix in written words what my voice is unable to say. I read because literature reorders and world and gives it meaning.”

In 2021, she published her first novel, Blau (Comanegra, 2021), which was a finalist for the 2019 Just Manel Casero Prize for the Short Novel. Prior to this, she had published Catalunya efímera: 24 experiències úniques per viure la natura (Edicions Sidillà, 2019) and the story “Magma”, a finalist for the Tinet Prize for the Short Online Story, which appears in the anthology Cosins llunyans i altres contes (Cossetània Edicions, 2014).

Among the literary awards she has received is the Eighteenth Montserrat Roig Prize  for Fiction of the Barcelona City Council and Martorelles Library, and she was winner of the Catalan Women’s Institute Micro-Story Competition in 2011.

She is a member of the Associació d’Escriptors en Llengua Catalana (AELC – Association of Catalan Language Writers).

Web page: Sara Serrano for AELC.
Documentation: Author’s personal files.
Photograph: © Lluïsa Pou.
Transaltion: Julie Wark.