Autors i Autores

Pepa Guardiola


Pepa Guardiola Chorro (Xàbia, 1953) is a teacher, writer, and activist in social and political movements that are markedly feminist.

She began to publish in the 1980s and soon stood out, especially with her books about the land, language, education, and feminism for children and young people. Indeed, she has received prizes for many of her novels, for example L’engruna de cristal (1992 Carmesina Prize for Children’s Fiction), Llumer llunyà (1994 Vila d’Ibi Prize for Children’s Fiction), Collidors de neu (1995 Mediterranean Prize for Children’s and Young People’s Literature), El talismà del temps (1994 Samaruc Prize for Children’s and Young People’s Literature), La clau mestra (finalist for the 1997 Vaixell de Vapor Prize), and El desordre de les dames (2009 Enric Valor Prize for the Novel).

She is a member of the Associació d’Escriptors de Llengua Catalana (Association of Catalan language Writers – AELC).


Web page: Irene Zurrón Servera for AELC.
Documentation and photographs: Author’s personal files.
Translation: Julie Wark.