Autors i Autores

Mariona Masferrer i Ordis


Mariona Masferrer i Ordis was born on 1 February 1953. She has a degree in clinical psychology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, and trained as a psychoanalyst. She worked as such for eighteen years until family circumstances obliged her to abandon her consulting room "for the time being", a decision that was not at all easy to make. However, it enabled her to engage at times in things she enjoys and she unexpectedly wrote a novel that, even more unexpectedly, was published. This work, El fil d'Ariadna (Ariadne's Thread) was a finalist for the Donna Prize. It was followed almost immediately, after a trip to Santiago de Cuba, by El cosí de Cuba (The Cuban Cousin), published by Alba Editorial. Next came Màxima, based on the story of a great-grandmother of the mid-nineteenth century, who was born in the seaside town of L'Escala and, after that A punt de neu (Whipped Whites) on the generation gap today. Just before these last two books came out, published by Actéon, she wrote a fifty-page story, which she presented for the Montserrat Roig Prize and came second. Its original title was Correspondència sui generis (Correspondence Sui Generis) but it has now expanded to a hundred pages and is called Cartes a destemps (Untimely Letters). She has recently published Tambakunda, un viaje en dos direcciones (2015), a fictional biography of a Senegalese boy and the historical novel Via fora! Joan Pagès, síndic remença, 1431-1502 (2017). 

She is a member of the Associació d'Escriptors en Llengua Catalana (AELC – Association of Catalan Language Writers).

Web page: Carme Ros for AELC.
Documentation: Author's personal files.
Translation: Julie Wark.
Photograph: Author's personal files.