Autors i Autores

Montse Milan Moliné


Montse Milan Moliné (1982), a writer, schoolteacher, and Creative Writing teacher, trained at the Barcelona Athenaeum School of Writing and at the Laboratory of Letters, where she teaches Novel Writing.

She became known as a writer when she presented for several literary prizes. Some of her stories have received awards and have been published in anthologies. For some years now, she has been contributing to the magazine La Borrufa with micro-stories, visual poetry, and literary reviews. She is a board member of the Pyrenean Book Association, with which she produced the jointly authored book Els camins escrits del Pirineu (2022).

In 2022, she published her first solo work, a collection of short stories titled Als afores (Voliana Edicions), which was followed in 2023 by Instants d’intempèrie (Pagès Editors), in which she offers a detailed account of seven anonymous lives in one comprehensive work, which was awarded the 2022 “7lletres” Prize.

She is a member of the Associació d’Escriptors en Llengua Catalana (AELC – Association of Catalan Language Writers).

Web page: Bet Ajenjo for AELC.
Documentation and photographs: Author’s personal files.
Translation: Julie Wark.