Autors i Autores

Ignasi Mora


Ignasi Mora (Gandia, la Safor, 1952) has a degree in Philosophy and is a journalist and writer. He mainly writes prose, both in collections of short stories, for example Les veus de la ciutat (Voices of the City, 1997) and novels such as Les veus de la família(Family Voices, 1992). Set in the city of Gandia, these works exemplify the author's close bonds with the city of his birth although he no longer resides there. He has also written for theatre, for example the play Tot el temps del món (All the Time in the World, 1998).

In his professional life, Ignasi Mora has engaged in a great number of activities in the cultural milieu, working as a publisher, a Catalan teacher, cultural adviser, television commentator and scriptwriter, inter alia. As a journalist he contributes to a range of cultural and literary publications, the daily press and travel magazines.

An excellent storyteller, he constructs a realistic mosaic of characters and aspects of the city against a background in which a portrait of a lost community predominates. His language is expressive, notable for its highly refined style and use of vivid Catalan as it is spoken today.

He is a member of the Associació d'Escriptors de Llengua Catalana (Association of Catalan Language Writers).

Web page: Mar Veciana for AELC.
Translation: Julie Wark.