Autors i Autores

Eva Moreno Bosch


Eva Moreno Bosch (Barcelona, 1966) is a writer, playwright, poet, and actress, who is trained in child education, cultural management, dramaturgy, and fiction writing.

She was named “Mestra en Gai Saber” (Mistress of the Art of Poetry) in the Jocs Florals literary competition of Lliçà de Vall (2011) and, later in the Jocs Florals of Sants, Hostafrancs, and la Bordeta (2017). The second time the latter was held, she was chairperson. In 2019, she published the play Absències (Pagès Editors), winner of the Saó de Ponent Prize, and in 2022, the short story collection La Corba de Venus i altres relats (Voliana). Some of her texts, stories, and poems, many of them prize-wining, have been published in anthologies, for example Dones, arbres i poesia (Voliana, 2020) and Trèvol Atzur i altres narracions (Salòria, 2020).

She shares some of her literary creations in the blog Vers al cove.

She is a member of the Associació d’Escriptors en Llengua Catalana (AELC – Association of Catalan Language Writers).



Web page: Irene Zurrón Servera for AELC.
Documentation and photographs: Author’s personal files.
Translated by Julie Wark.