Autors i Autores

Rosa Planas


Rosa Planas (Palma, 1957) is a writer and literary critic.

In 1979 she graduated in Philosophy and Arts (Spanish Philology) at the University of the Balearic Islands where, in 1997, she also completed a degree in Catalan Philology. She made her literary debut with the poetry collections Letras de Lluvia (Letters of Rain, 1982) and Regreso a Belvedere (Return to Belvedere, 1993). She published another collection of poems, Calendari íntim (Intimate Calendar) in 2015. Her novels include L’orador dels ocells (The Bird Orator, 1999), Abraham Savasorda (2001) winner of the First Alexandre Ballester Prize for the Short Novel, Les màscares de Florència (The Masks of Florence, 2004), La ciutat dels espies indefensos (The City of Powerless Spies, 2006), La veu de la caputxa (Voice from the Cowl, 2011) and Nòmina encriptada (The Encrypted Payroll, 2014), winner of the 2013 City of Manacor Prize. She also writes as a literary critic and is particularly interested in onomastics and Judaism and, accordingly, has also written the studies Els malnoms dels xuetes de Mallorca (The Misnamed Descendants of Mallorca’s Converted Jews, 2003) and Literatura i Holocaust (Literature and Holocaust, 2006). Also noteworthy is her work on Ramon Llull, in particular her books Ramon Llull i l’alquimia (Ramon Llull and Alchemy, 2014) and Del Doctor Il·luminat al Doctor Fosc (2017).

Rosa Planas was a member of the editorial board of the magazine Lluc and editorial secretary of Segell. Revista d’història i cultura jueves. She writes regularly for the Balearic Islands newspaper Última Hora, in the “Tribuna” section where her articles are mainly concerned with culture, current affairs and art. She also writes occasional reports on heritage and, in 2015, received an award from the association Amics del Patrimoni (Friends of Heritage) for her work in defence of Mallorca’s cultural and artistic heritage.

Planas is a member of Associació d'Escriptors en Llengua Catalana (Association of Catalan Language Writers –AELC).

Web page: Toni Terrades for AELC.
Documentation and biography: Rosa Planas.
Photographs: Author’s personal file.
Translated by Julie Wark.