Autors i Autores

Gabriel de la S.T. Sampol


Gabriel de la S.T. Sampol (Palma, 1967) is a poet, translator and literary scholar.

He has a degree in Catalan Philology and has published the collections of poems Difícil naufragi (1997), Vulgata (2004), Lisbona (2015), and the anthologies Apocatàstasi (2004) and Inequacions (2010).

Among the authors he has translated are: (from Portuguese) António Vieira, Almeida Garrett, Fernando Pessoa –Llibre del desassossec [The Book of Disquiet] (2002); Robaiyat (Cançons de beure) (2014)–, and José Saramago –Objecte quasi [Almost an Object], 2000–; (from French) Voltaire and Madame de Staël; and (from Latin) Hildegard of Bingen. His research work includes studying and publishing poets such as Miquel Costa i Llobera –Poesia completa, Complete Poems, (2004), Llorenç Moyà and Guillem Cabrer. He also publishes articles on translation and vampire literature. He has been awarded the Josep M. de Sagarra prize for theatre translation (1995), the Giovanni Pontiero translation prize (2005), the Jordi Domènech translation prize (2013) and the Ciutat de Tarragona-Jaume Vidal Alcover translation prize (2015).

From 2005 to 2007 he was vice-president of the Associació d'Escriptors en Llengua Catalana (AELC, Association of Catalan Language Writers) in the Balearic Islands.

Web page: Toni Terrades Oliver for AELC.
Documentation: Gabriel de la S.T. Sampol.
Cover photograph by Maria Planas.
Translated by Julie Wark.