Autors i Autores

Cinta Arasa


Cinta Arasa (Tortosa, Baix Ebre, 1978) has a degree in Political Science and Administration and has written several works of fiction, mainly for children and young people.

She has published the books On és el sol, Cucafera? (Where’s the Sun, Big Grub? 2007), Emergència al País de la Màgia (Emergency in the Land of Magic, 2010), El món dalt d'una sabata (The World on a Shoe, 2012), Missió Trobairitz! (Mission Trobairitz! 2013), La lluna és dolça, Ahmed (The Moon is Sweet, Ahmed, 2013), Zeneib, la primera enxaneta (Zeneib, Top of the Human Tower, 2013), Ja som a l'hivern! (It's Winter Now! 2013), Ha arribat la primavera! (Spring Is Here! 2014), L'estiu és aquí! (Summer Is Here! 2014), Comença la tardor! (Autumn Has Begun! 2014), Les fades són calbes (2016), En Bernat, el gat afamat (2017), Mama, vull que siguis com un elefant (2017), En Bernat, el gat afamat (2017), La paraula màgica (2018), El Gla, un aprenent d’esquirol (2019), Acqua alta (2021), Sant Jordi i el drac (2022), Els fets d’armes de Catalunya (2022), Una abraçada amb olor de xocolata (2023) and La bruixa Adelina, la nostra veïna (2023).

In 2013 she was awarded the Enric Valor Prize for Young People's Literature for her book Vaig fer la maleta un dia de juny (I Packed My Bag One Day in June, 2014) and in 2021 the Critic Serra d'Or Award of Youth Creation for the novel Paraules, flors i pólvora (2020).

She has published the novel for adults Arran de l'Ebre (On the Banks of the Ebro, 2009) and Escales avall (2021).

Her work has also appeared in several collective works of stories and poetry. Among the publications she writes for are Serra d'Or, Avui, Sàpiens, El Diari de Tarragona and Novacat.

Arasa is a member of Associació d'Escriptors en Llengua Catalana (Association of Catalan Language Writers).


Webpage by Josep Miàs for AELC.
Documentation: Cinta Arasa.
Cover photograph © Pili Moya; Biography photographs from the author's personal files.
Translated by Julie Wark.