Autors i Autores

Andreu Carranza


Andreu Carranza (Ascó, Ribera d'Ebre, 1957) is a writer.

He has published two poetry collections –Trilogia del deliri (1993) and A mumpare (2000)–, some collections of stories –as La tinta de la immortalitat (1991, winner of the Premi Recull) and Riu avall (1996, Sebastià Juan Arbó Prize)– and several novels often reflecting on the physical and human geography of the River Ebre region. Among them El desert de l'oblit (1993, Ribera d'Ebre Prize), Anjub. Confessions d'un bandoler (2000, Sant Joan Prize for Fiction); El que l'herbolària sap (2002); and L'hivern del Tigre (2004). In 2007 he published La clau Gaudí (The Gaudí Key), which is co-authored with Esteban Martín. This mystery novel, translated into English and published by Harper Collins in 2008, became a best-seller, one of the most successful works of Catalan literature ever published in the international sphere. The novel is followed by Impremta Babel (2009) and Cementiri nuclear (2010, with Toni Oresanz). In 2015 Andreu Carranza received the Josep Pla Prize for his El poeta del poble, a fictional account of the life of Jacint Verdaguer. In 2017, he has published Ciutat de llops and, in 2022, La tomba de l'Ebre.

As a member of the rumba group Lo Gitano Blanc, he is very active in the cultural sphere where he also takes part in radio talk shows, writes for the press, hosts television programmes and engages in other activities.

He is a member of the Associació d'Escriptors en Llengua Catalana (AELC – Association of Catalan Language Writers).

Web page: Josep Miàs for AELC.
Documentation: Andreu Carranza, Josep Miàs, Josepa Ribera Baron and Josep S. Cid.
Opening photograph: © Xavier Torres-Bacchetta / Edicions 62.
Translated by Julie Wark.