Autors i Autores

David Jou


David Jou i Mirabent (Sitges, 1953), is a poet and physicist. In his poetry he has explored, above all, scientific, religious and Mediterranean themes along with new poetic forms with a strong visual component, inspired by the forms of nature.

Outstanding amongst the sixteen books he has published, are L'èxtasi i el càlcul. Obra poètica I (2002), Els ulls del falcó maltès. Poemes sobre cinema (2000), Joc d'ombres (Shadow Play) in 1999, Transfiguracions (1998), Basilisc (1997), A la deriva blava (Drifting Blue) in 1996, Mirall de vellut negre (Black Velvet Mirror) in 1981, the Tapís (Tapestry) trilogy (1982), Teoria (Theory) in 1987, Urpes de fumera (Claws of Smoke) in 1992, and the anthology Entre el mirall i les ombres (Between Mirror and Shadows), in 1995. He was awarded the Cadaqués a Quima Jaume Prize for poetry, in recognition to his literary career.

He is the author of essays such as Ciència, fe, poesia (2002), El temps i la memòira en la ciència contemporània (2001), Matèria i materialisme (Matter and Materialism) (1998), Algunes qüestions sobre ciència i fe (Some Questions about Science and Faith) (1992), L'escultor Pere Jou (The Sculptor Pere Jou) (1991) as well as an extensive body of research findings on the thermodynamics of irreversible processes, published in books and reviews with an international readership.

He is a member of AELC (Association of Catalan Language Writers).

Web page: Nausica Solà for AELC.
Documentation: Author's personal files.
Translation: Julie Wark.