Autors i Autores

Maria Dolors Pellicer


Maria Dolors Pellicer (Oliva, València, 1956), who has degrees in Education and Catalan Philology, is a teacher and writer.

A supporter of the Movements for Educational Renewal, and promoter of the Valencian language, she was one of the founders of the Marina-Safor Summer School in 1986, where she presently teaches. She started to write literature because of the lack of resources for educating children in Valencian. 

She writes books and poetry for children and young people and has so far published some sixty books, including in a long list, Xé, quins peus!, Cul, culot, Fil que penja, Marina ja no té por, Versos diversos, La selva en vers, Comptem cabretes i pintem ocells.

Maria Dolors Pellicer has received several awards for her cultural activity as well as for her books, among them the Interuniversity Institute of Valencian Philology Prize (2010), the “Comarcal Ocell” Prize (2018), and the “Caixa Cooperativa d’Algemesí” Prize for Children’s Poetry (2019). Part of her work has been anthologised, set to music, and translated into Spanish and Basque.

She is a member of the Associació d’Escriptors en Llengua Catalana (Association of Catalan Language Writers – AELC).

Web page: Marta Barberan for AELC.
Documentation: author’s personal files.
​​​​​​​Translation: Julie Wark.