Autors i Autores

Joan de Déu Prats


Joan de Déu Prats i Pijoan (Barcelona, 1962) is a professional writer, especially of children's literature. He has published more than seventy books and has been translated into English, Spanish, Chinese, Italian, Galician, Basque and Braille. He has been awarded a number of prizes for his work, including the Sant Joan de Déu Children's Hospital Prize (on two occasions), the La Galera Prize, the Cercle de Lectors Prize for his children's stories El segrest de la primavera (The Abduction of Spring) and Els patins del Sebastià (Sebastian's Skates), the prize offered by the children’s magazine Cavall Fort for the best collection of stories, and the Serra d'Or Prize for the best children's book published in 2005 with Històries Terrorífiques de Fantasmes (Terrifying Ghost Stories). Again, he was finalist for the Barcanova Prize for children’s and young people's literature with his book Nàufrag (Shipwrecked). He has also written a travel book for adults entitled Terra de Castells (Land of Castles, Barcanova). His style is notable for its liveliness, precision, imagination and sense of humour. He has published Catalunya: 50 excursions a cascades i salts d'aigua (Cossetània, 2021) and Guia curiosa de Barcelona (Cossetània, 2023).

He is a member of AELC (Association of Catalan Language Writers).

Web page: Carme Ros for AELC.
Documentation and photograph: © Author's personal files.
Translation: Julie Wark.