Autors i Autores

Esperança Camps


Esperança Camps (Ciutadella, 1964) is a writer and, until it's lockout, journalist at the Valencian Canal 9 Television.

At the age of forty she embarked on a literary career, which is notable for its constancy and public recognition. Her first published work was Enllà de la mar (Beyond the Sea, 2004), which was awarded the Joanot Martorell Prize and the Critics' Prize for Valencian Writers. This was followed by Quan la lluna escampa els morts (When the Moon Scatters the Dead, 2005), winner of the City of Alzira Prize for the Novel; Zero graus (Zero Degrees, 2006; 2010); Eclipsi (Eclipse, 2007), which received the Vicent Andrés Estellés Prize for the Novel; El cos deshabitat (The Uninhabited Body, 2009), winner of the Odissea Readers' Prize; Col·lecció particular (Private Collection, 2012); Naufragi a la neu (Shipwreck in the Snow, 2012), which received the Blai Bellver Prize from Xàtiva and tha Crítica de l'Institut Interuniversitari de Filologia Prize, and Vertigen (Vertigo, 2014) co-written with Empar Marco.

She has also co-authored such works as Subsòl (Subsoil, 2010) and Dotze bitlles i un bitllot (Twelve Skittles and the Big One, 2010), inter alia. Furthermore, she wrote Dos o tres rams de locura – Ja T'ho Diré (Two or Three Bunches of Madness – Ja T'ho Diré, 2004), which analyses the career of the Menorcan rock group "Ja T'ho Diré" as well as the short story collection Vull casar-me amb tu i altres acusacions (I Want to Marry You and Other Accusations, 2010).

She is a member of the Associació d'Escriptors en Llengua Catalana (Association of Catalan Language Writers).

Web page by Nausica Solà for AELC.
Update by Josep Miàs.
Photographs: © Prats i Camps / Author’s personal files / AELC files.
Translation: Julie Wark.