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Raimon Casellas


Raimon Casellas (Barcelona, 1855 – Sant Joan de les Abadesses, Ripollès, 1910). Writer, Art historian, Art critique and Journalist.

As a writer, Casellas broke away from the previous "vuitcentista" tradition with his novel Els sots feréstecs (1901), considered the first Modernist novel and the precursor of the "Rural Naturalism" literary movement that subsequently had a great following. He also wrote short narrative, with titles such as Les multituds (1906) and Llibre d'històries (1909). He wrote articles about aestethics and Art critics in the newspapers and magazines L'Avenç, La Vanguardia, L'Esquella de la Torratxa and Cucut!, amongst others. In 1899 he became the Chief Editor of the newspaper La Veu de Catalunya, and his articles greatly influenced the Catalan artists of his time. He took his own life at the peak of his artistic maturity, and left a collection of articles unpublished, which were edited by Eugeni d'Ors in 1916.

Page updated by Josep Miàs for the AELC.
Pòrtic's photograph: Etapes estètiques. Barcelona: Soc. Catalana d'Ed., Vol. 1, 1916.
Translated by Josep Miàs.