Autors i Autores

Rosa-Maria Colom


Rosa-Maria Colom (Sóller, Mallorca, 1937) studied Education and is a writer. In 1991, she published her first children’s book, El mandarí i jo which, after winning the Guillem Cifre de Colonya Prize, was the starting point of her career as a writer. In 2002, she once again received the award for her book L’escola secreta de madame Dudú. Also notable amongst her publications are Mans de lluna (1995), Ales de papallona (1995), La dama blanca (1997), La perversa Caputxeta (2003), Carlota, Joan Miró i l’ocell del rellotge suís (2007), and Coppelius, el creador d’autòmats (2020), all of which have won prizes.

Although she is mainly known as a writer of books for children and young people, she has also written four books for adults, two of which have received prizes: La Salrana (1996), winner of the 25 d’abril de la Vila de Benissa award; L’acordonista al fons del llac (2003); La mort de l’escriptor (2009), winner of the Mallorca Prize for Literary Creation; and Els arbres que em conegueren (2016).

She is a member of the Associació d’Escriptors en Llengua Catalana (AELC – Association of Catalan Language Writers).

Web page: Marta Barberan
Documentation: Ceded by the author
Translation: Julie Wark