Autors i Autores

Carles Fenollosa Laguarda


Carles Fenollosa Laguarda (València, 1989) is a researcher, teacher, and writer.

He publishes essays, especially the biography Víctor Iranzo, poeta de la Renaixença (1850-1890), which was the winner in 2022 of the València Nova Prize for the Essay, and Irreductibles. Una història de la llengua i la literatura dels valencians (2022), and also fiction, with Narcís o l’onanisme (Lletraferit Prize for the Novel, 2018).

He writes for several periodical publications in the cultural and literary domains, among them the “Quadern” section of the daily El País and the magazines Saó and Lletraferit, in the latter of which he is currently a regular columnist.

He is a member of the Associació d’Escriptors en Llengua Catalana (AELC – Association of Catalan Language Writers).

Web page: Irene Zurrón Servera for AELC.
Documentation and Photographs: Author’s personal files.
Translated by Julie Wark.