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Robert Saladrigas


Robert Saladrigas (Barcelona, 1940 - 2018) is a narrator and literary critic. He is the author of the collections of stories Boires (Mists - 1970) which received the Víctor Català Prize and Tauromàquia: sol i lluna (Bullfighting: Sun and Moon - 1991). Outstanding amongst his novels are Aquell gust agre de l'estel (The Bitter Taste of the Kite - 1977), which offers a cosmogonic view of the world, Memorial de Claudi M. Broch (1986) for which he received the National Critics' Prize, El sol de la tarda (The Afternoon Sun - 1992) which was awarded the Saint George and the Crexells prizes, La mar no està mai sola (The Sea is Never Alone - 1996), which received the Carlemany Prize and Còmplices de la Ciutat (City Accomplices - 1999). He has written television scripts and also directed television programmes as well as making major contributions to children's and young people's literature, one of his most popular works in this sphere being Entre juliol i setembre (Between July and September - 1967). Recently he has published La llibreta groga (The Yellow Notebook - 2004), Josep Pla Prize, Biografia (Biography - 2005), L'altre (The Other, 2008) and L'estiu de la pluja (The Sumer of the rain, 2012).

He was a honorary member of Associació d'Escriptors en Llengua Catalana (AELC, Association of Catalan Language Writers).

Documentation: Lena Paüls.
Updated by Nausica Solà.
Translation: Julie Wark.