Autors i Autores

Adela Maria Trepat i Massó


Adela Maria Trepat i Massó (Barcelona, 1905-1964) was a translator, a Latinist, epigrapher, and teacher.

She obtained an Arts degree from the University of Barcelona and a PhD with a thesis on Lucretius and, at the age of twenty-two, began to work with the Bernat Metge Foundation. With the aid of grants and fellowships she was able to make several study visits to Germany. She taught at the General Technical Institute and the University of Barcelona and, after having passed the requisite public examinations, at the National Institute of Secondary Teaching in Reus, the Maragall Institute (of which she became director), and the Catalan Government School-Institute.

Notable among her publications are her translation into Catalan (with Anna Maria de Saavedra) –in fluid, poetic Catalan prose that is both elegant and evocative– of Ovid’s Heroides (1927) and Metamorphoses (1929-1932) for the Bernat Metge Foundation Collection. In addition to the contributions and studies that testify to her expertise in classical languages, she also introduced innovative methods in modern language learning during her period as a secondary school teacher, thus contributing to the popularising of new teaching methods.

Web page: Irene Zurrón Servera for AELC.
Cover photograph: La Hormiga de Oro, 28 June 1928 (BNE).
Biography photographs: La Veu de Catalunya, 3 December 1927, and Imatges. Setmanari gràfic d'actualitats, 20 August 1930 (BNC).
Translation: Julie Wark.