Autors i Autores

Ramon Xuriguera i Parramona


Ramon Xuriguera (Menàrguens, 1901 - Bergerac, 1966) was a writer, translator, teacher, secretary of Joan Casanovas (Chief Adviser, Vice-President of the Government of Catalonia, and President of the Parliament in 1933), a cultural activist and lecturer.

His chronicles and articles on political and social issues were published in such press outlets as Lucha Social, El País, La Publicitat, Mirador, Avui, and Rosa dels Vents. He was also editor of the magazine Lleida and the newspaper La Jornada. Moreover, he was a founder of the weekly publication L’Horitzó.

He made his debut as an essayist with Els exiliats acusen (Proa, 1930). This was followed by other essays including Casanovas, quinze anys de política catalana (Figures de la República, 1933), L’aportació de l’occident català a l’obra de la Renaixença (Biblioteca Catalana d’Autors Independents, 1936), and La repressió contra els obrers a Catalunya (Impremta Clarasó, 1937). While in exile, he published La idea de l’home en la novel·la francesa (Rafael Dalmau, 1961), and his Jacint Verdaguer, l’home i l’obra (Pòrtic, 1971) appeared posthumously.

His literary works, which mostly appeared in the years of the Republic, were markedly influenced by the psychology of his times. They include the novels Volves grises (Proa, 1932), Desordre (Proa, 1936), and Destins (Proa, 1938), as well as the short story collection Espills adormits (Impremta La Ibèrica, 1932).

The novels he wrote while in exile in France, Els Astruc (Cossetània, 2013) and Tres nits (Fonoll, 2016), were not published in his lifetime, although several of his translations from French to Catalan did appear.

Web page: Irene Zurrón Servera for AELC.
Photographs: ceded by Pau Xuriguera.
​​​​​​​Translation: Julie Wark.