Autors i Autores

Ferran Cabrero


Ferran Cabrero (Barcelona, 1972) is a sociologist, anthropologist and archaeologist who specialises in social movements, cultural management and international cooperation for development in Latin America and sub-Saharan Africa.

He has written several articles in specialized publications, chapters in jointly-authored books and, among other works, seven books characterised by the socially-oriented essay and scientific popularizing of information on the basis of his own experiences. El camino de las armas: Visiones de la lucha guerrillera y civil en América Latina (The Way of Arms. Perspectives from the Guerrilla and Civilian Struggle in Latin America, 1998), La Revolución pactada: Globalización y transformación de la guerrilla en América Latina (The Negotiated Revolution: Globalization and Transformation of Guerrilla Movements in Latin America, 2003), El Tercer Món no existeix: Diversitat cultural i desenvolupament (The Third World does not Exist: Cultural Diversity and Development, 2006), Cruxent: L'esperit de la matèria (Cruxent: Heart of the Matter, 2008), Retorno a los Omaguas: Diario de viaje (Return of the Omaguas: Travel Diary), and Soberanía indígena: Claroscuros en la construcción del Estado plurinacional e intercultural en el Ecuador (Indigenous Sovereignty: Constrasts in the Construction of the Plurinational and Intercultural State in Ecuador).

He is a member of the Associació d’Escriptors en Llengua Catalana (AELC – Association of Catalan Language Writers).

Web page: Carme Ros for AELC.
Documentation: Author's personal files.
Photograph: Author's personal files.