Autors i Autores

Salvador Jàfer


Salvador Jàfer (Ràfol de Salem, Vall d'Albaida, 1954) is a writer, poet, translator and language teacher.

Although his university studies were in the fields of Italian and French Philology, his interests have subsequently tended more towards the study of Islamic civilisations and cultures and, above all, the culture and civilisation of Al-Andalus, as his web page reveals. He began writing poetry in the 1970s, publishing for example L'esmorteïda estela de la platja (The Pallid Wash of the Beach, 1975) and Lívius Diamant (Livius Diamond, 1975). After some years of silence, he then published the collection of poems Els caçadors salvatges (Wild Hunters), which was awarded the 1985 City of Valencia Critics' Prize.

Salvador Jàfer combines his academic work with writing poetry, his output now continuing to grow through his web page and with the translations from both French and Italian that he publishes in different reviews, along with others from Portuguese and, sporadically, from English and Spanish.

He works in the Official Language School of Valencia. His poetic output has been collected into the single volume Produccions Ansietat (Anxiety Productions, 1988), although it is through his web page "La Terra d'Enlloc" (The Nowhere Land) that he presents his work and gathers together all kinds of knowledge.

Salvador Jàfer is a member of AELC (Association of Catalan Language Writers).

Web page: Abel Ramon Vidal for AELC.
Translation: Julie Wark.
Photograph: Author's personal files.