Autors i Autores

Vicent Penya


Vicent Penya (Rafelbunyol, 1961) is a writer and linguist who also has a degree in Technical Engineering.

He has worked in several literary genres, including poetry, the novel, the short story and theatre. Notable among his books of poems are Desig de terra (Desire for the Land, 1998), El joc (The Game, 2002) and Homèrides (Homerids, 2009). He has received several awards for his poetry, among them the Agustí Bartra, Ibn Hazm and Roís de Corella prizes.

He has published the novels Helena (1995), La perseverança (Perseverence, 2003) and Rama (Branches, 2005), as well as the short-story collection Els somnis possibles (Possible Dreams, 1997). He has also written books for young people and children, and has published the collection of articles L'altura i les circumstàncies (Height and Circumstances, 2007). Moreover, he was one of the writers of the Alba M. collective, which brought out the novel Jo també la vaig conèixer (I Knew Her Too, 1995).

He has written opinion pieces and literary criticism for a range of newspapers and reviews including El Temps, Saó, Levante, and El Punt. His work has also appeared in anthologies, among them Envit (Stake, 1991), Les hores del gaudi (Hours of Joy, 1995), Vint anys de poesia a la Universitat (Twenty Years of Poetry at the University, 2001) and El paisatge seductor (Seductive Landscape, 2001). He founded the literary review L'Aljamia and is director of the collecion "Llibres de L'Aljamia".

He is a member of the Associació d'Escriptors en Llengua Catalana (Association of Catalan Language Writers – AELC).

Web page: Carme Ros for AELC.
Documentation: Author's personal files.
Translation: Julie Wark.
Photographs: Author's personal files.