Autors i Autores

Xavier Gonzàlez-Costa


Xavier Gonzàlez-Costa (Berga, 1967), a writer, actor, and cultural activist, has published poetry, children’s books, short stories, and plays, and is best known as a playwright.

After studying Economics, he has worked professionally in the areas of finances and corporate journalism, where he is frequently engaged in conceptualising, guiding, and conducting interviews as well as managing cultural or charitable events.

He began to publish poetry in his more mature years, with such works as Lluny de qualsevol lloc (Edicions de l'Albí, 2009), Ventrilòquia (Òmicron, 2010), D'un cap de dia a l'altre (Edicions de l'Albí, 2011), and Un llençol blanc (Edicions de l'Albí, 2023), as well as children’s literature, including the play Una caca de pessebre (Bromera, 2019), and adult fiction, while his plays are performed around the Catalan-speaking territories. He also works in different media outlets, among them the former travel magazine Nómadas, Ràdio Premià de Mar, and in the regional edition for Berguedà of Nació

As an actor, he has played—for twenty-six years—the part of El Garrofa (the mayor) in the nativity play of Serafí Pitarra, which has been performed in Berga since 1900, as well as acting in almost thirty plays with the theatre group La Farsa, and in Pastorets del Segle XXI, produced and premiered by Catalan television, TV3 in 2009.

He is a member of the Board of Òmnium Berguedà and one of the authors in the Lletres a les aules (Letters in the Classroom) programme of the Institution of Catalan Letters.

He is a member of the Associació d’Escriptors en Llengua Catalana (AELC – Association of Catalan Language Writers).

Web page: Irene Zurrón Servera for AELC.
Documentation and photographs: Author’s personal files.
Cover photograph: © Jordi Play.
Translated by Julie Wark.