Autors i Autores

Roser Caminals


Roser Caminals (Barcelona, 1956) lives in Frederick (Maryland, USA) and has been teaching Spanish Literature at Hood College since 1981. Her first novel, Once Remembered, Twice Lived, which is about and set in Barcelona, was published in the United States, after which she translated it into Catalan with the title Un segle de prodigis (1995).

Her novel Les herbes secretes (1999) received first prize in the Fourth "Jocs Florals" (literary competition) for Writers of the Diaspora. She has translated into English Emilia Pardo Bazán's Los Pazos de Ulloa (The House of Ulloa) and also a collection of short stories by Carme Riera.

In 2002, she published El carrer dels tres llits (The Street of the Three Beds), which has been very well received by readers and critics alike. This is the first novel of a trilogy in which the other two titles are La petita mort (2004) and La dona de mercuri (2006). In 2009 she published the non-fictional work La seducció americana and, the following year, the novel Cinc-cents bars i una llibreria (2010), which describes the difficult sentimental education of young people who, in a grey, rigid and confused period like the 1970s, had everything to discover. In 2015 appeared the novel Els aliats de la nit.

Caminals is a member of Associació d'Escriptors en Llengua Catalana (AELC, Association of Catalan Language Writers).

Update: Bea Fernández.
Documentation: Author's personal files.
Photographs: Author's personal files.
Translation: Julie Wark.