Autors i Autores

Esther Vivas


Esther Vivas (Sabadell, 1975) is a writer, journalist, and sociologist. She has published a dozen essays on feminist maternity, agri-food policies, and alternative social movements. She works with several media outlets as a political and social analyst.

Her most recent work is Mama desobedient (2019), an essay on maternity, giving birth, and breastfeeding from the feminist and ecologist perspectives. She has also published the book El negocio de la comida (2014) in which she investigates who controls the food industry, from production to distribution of products, and suggests alternatives approaches from the standpoint of food sovereignty. Moreover, she has published the essay En pie contra la deuda externa (2008) about the movement against foreign debt from the mid-1980s to the mid-2000s.

Other books she has co-authored and edited are Sense por (2013), about the economic and democratic crisis and the emerging alternative social movements; the essay Planeta indignado (2012) on the indignados (anti-austerity) movement, in Spain and on a worldwide scale; Del campo al plato (2009) in which, through the testimonies of social activists, farmers, and researchers, she studies the consequences of neoliberal food and agriculture policies; Resistencias globales (2009) about the anti-globalisation movement from the protests in Seattle in 1999 to the Wall Street crisis of 2008; Supermercats, no gràcies (2007), where she analyses how modern distribution has changed how and what we consume, and the impacts it has on agriculture, labour rights, the environment, and the consumption model; and Cap a on va el comerç just? (2006), an essay on the challenges of the fair trade movement.

In 2015, Esther Vivas received the Bioculture Award for environmentally committed journalism. Her work has been translated into several languages, including Spanish, Portuguese, French, Croatian, Italian, and German.

She is a member of the Associació d’Escriptors en Llengua Catalana (Association of Catalan Language Writers – AELC).


Web page: Irene Zurrón Servera for AELC.
Documentation and photographs: Author’s personal files.
Translation: Julie Wark.